Pradeep first joined RSG (Resolve Software Group) fresh out of university as a Junior Business Analyst in 2012.
Since then he has gained a lot of experience, both inside and outside of RSG, and has progressed throughout his career to become a Senior Technical Solutions Consultant and now a Squad Lead for the Green Squad.
He enjoys managing direct reports from the team and working closely with Project Managers to assist resource and project planning.
In his current role, Pradeep continues to work closely with customers, supporting Resolve implementations and enhancements. Developing strong enduring relationships with customers has been a highlight of his career to this date.
Congratulations Pradeep!
News of the Week
Workers Need Consistent Recognition

A survey of 1,500 employees across the U.S., U.K. and Australia has found workers need consistent recognition — which means those ad-hoc thank you emails, a one-off "good job" or your company's annual awards might not be good enough. The Reward Gateway survey found employees are demanding to be praised in more timely and meaningful ways. Also, 45% of employees thought their manager unfairly rewarded certain people over others, and a third of respondents thought they had received inadequate rewards for their service.
- From LinkedIn Daily Rundown Australia (16/08/2019)
RSG staff communicate internally using an Instant Messenger which has channels in it and one of the channel is called “Thank You” which contains thank you messages from one staff to another for their work. Each month, RSG holds a meeting for all of the staff members and here, staff are given recognition for their hard work. The thank you messages that was posted before will be read at the meeting to ensure that all staff are recognised for their work. This results in the increase of happiness in staff members via internal survey.
Quote of the Week
