Freedom of Information Management
Resolve Enterprise is a valuable tool used in the management and processing of requests for information from the public, in line with the Freedom of Information Act.
We provide a simple and manageable solution for the tracking of all requests for information, capturing everything from the initial call to the request closure, and all elements along the way... including reporting, payments, document storage, actions, approvals and escalations.
Efficiency, accuracy and consistency
Manage your mandated service levels and response timeframes,
helping you to maintain compliance with the FOI Act.
Timeline compliance
Compliance with the FOI Act's mandated service levels and response timeframes is simple with our sophisticated management reports, actions, and escalations.
Work management and reporting
Maintain information on workflow and records management that can be analysed to identify processing bottlenecks and to improve business processes.
EDRM and redacting systems
Seamlessly integrate with most electronic document record management and redacting systems to meet all your document needs.
Fee assessment
Our fee assessment module maintains a ledger of fees assessed and paid, and posts these calculations to correspondence and report documents as required.